DFA - DFAddress

The Address utility for the AMIGA

Version 2.6

by Dirk Federlein

DFA (C) 1992--1995, Dirk Federlein

DFA is an SASG product

GUI created using Gadtoolsbox (37.300) (C) 1991--93 Jan van den Baard.

AREXX interface created using Arexxbox (V1.12) (C) 1992--93 Michael Balzer.

The MagicWB icons are (C) Copyright 1993--94 Martin Huttenloher

Installer and Installer project icon (C) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.


Registered trademarks are not marked separately. Therefore absence of a trademark does not imply they are free.


Welcome to the documentation of DFA! Please, do not stop here, but continue reading -- it will be to your advantage!

Only by reading this manual carefully, can learn everything about the many different features of DFA! Some of your questions -- if not all of them -- which you might have at this time, will be answered here.

Please remember that I put a lot of time and effort (`blood, sweat and tears') into this manual -- please show your acknowledgement by reading this documentation (of course, you may feel free to register)!

	 Dirk Federlein


DFA supplies many outstanding features, some of them I'd like to mention here:


I strongly recommend use of the supplied install program to install DFA. It extracts the needed files from their archives and copies them to the correct places on your harddisk. It sets all needed tooltypes as well.

After the installation procedure has been completed, there exist the following files, or according to your installation, at least some of them, on your harddisk:

Quick Start

After you have installed DFA (see section Installation, for more information), the default settings are used. These settings already allow you to use DFA and take a lot of advantage out of it. Please notice that the huge amount of settings, which can be tuned in the DFA-Preferences program, can only be saved in the registered version (see section The DFA-Preferences Program and section Registration for details)!

If you copied the DFA-Server (filename `DFA') into the `WBStartup' drawer, as it is recommended by the install program, DFA will be started each time the computer starts up; futhermore, an application icon for DFA is supplied on the Workbench screen.

This behaviour of DFA can be changed as described in section Tooltypes and section The DFA-Preferences Program.

As DFA tries to follow the "User Interface Style Guide" as closely as possible, it should be no problem (at least for advanced users) to figure out all the functions of DFA according to "trial and error". If you don't want any bad (?) surprises, just continue reading...

The concept of DFA

Beginning with DFA version 2.0, it is no longer a single program, but consists of several parts: The DFA-Server (see section The DFA-Server program); the DFA-Editor (see section The DFA-Editor program) and the DFA-Preferences program (see section The DFA-Preferences Program).

Certain functions that are used by more than one of these programs have been exported into a socalled "shared library", the dfa.library.

By doing so, it is possible now that DFA often uses less RAM than in former versions of DFA, even though it contains many enhancements! If DFA would still have been one single program, it would have been a size of about 300 KB and nearly noone would have copied it into the `WBStartup' drawer.

In spite of splitting the program into several parts, I tried to keep the known handling of DFA: one should think he works with one single program. To do so, the DFA-Server calls the DFA-Editor after the user hits the hotkey; the DFA-Preferences program on the other hand can be reached directly out of the DFA-Editor by selecting the corresponding menu item.

This new concept will be useful for people that start DFA on demand only and therefore don't need the AREXX and the Commodity part of DFA; these people may start the DFA-Editor directly (from the Workbench or Shell) and save the memory the DFA-Server would have taken (about 40 KB).

Usage of DFA

You can control DFA completely by mouse or by keyboard.

Some notes on the usage of the keyboard:

The DFA-Server program

The DFA-Server (filename: `DFA') supplies the commodity features (hotkey, access by the Exchange program) and contains the complete AREXX interface; furthermore it manages the application icon.

Please notice:

If you want to use any AREXX functions out of the DFA-Editor, you have to make sure that the DFA-Server is running.


If you click on the icon of the DFA-Server program once and activate the information program from the Workbench menu, you may change the following tooltypes:

CLI Parameters

If you start DFA from Workbench, the tooltypes described above will be used. When you start DFA from Shell, these tooltypes are used as well, as long as the corresponding .info-File is present. You can give the following parameters to DFA that overwrite the previous settings (within the .info file). The possible arguments are described below:


This means you may...


By pushing the hotkey (see section Tooltypes), you may invoke the DFA-Editor. You'll get the same effect, if you start the `Exchange' program of the Workbench and select `Show Interface'.

Using the `Exchange' program, you can stop DFA (hit `Remove'), or to make it inactive (hit `Inactive'), or active respectively.


The application icon supplies two functions:


Please notice:

To use the AREXX functions of the DFA-Editor, the DFA-Server has to run simutaneously.

Important -- new features since version 1.2x

The AREXX interface has been rewritten from scratch for DFA 2.0. Some commands have been added...

... some old commands have been changed or improved regarding their syntax:

Most of all, however, I've changed the order of the fields within an address item, which is returned by several commands like `FIRST', `NEXT', `GETCURRENT', etc.

The reason for doing so is that I thought it would be a good idea to have the same order of the fields in the AREXX interface as in the DFA-Editor edit window, as this makes it much easier to remember which meaning the different numbers of an address field have (cf. section Format of the Address Field).


DFA (i.e. the DFA-Server) usually accepts AREXX commands at any time, even if the DFA-Editor and/or the DFA-Preferences program is running at the same time. It is possible, however, that the execution of an AREXX command will be delayed if someone for example is just editing an address within the Edit window of the DFA-Editor. The reason for this safety protocol can be explained easily: As the addresses are kept in memory only once, all DFA related programs have access to the same address list. By the protocol described above, I want to make sure that no part of the DFA package tries to use addresses that another part of DFA has already deleted (this would sooner or later cause the machine to crash).

The basics of the AREXX programming language can be found in the AREXX manual that comes along with AMIGA--OS 2.0 or better or in the "AREXX User's Reference Manual"(1).

The AREXX port that has to be used to address DFA is `DFA', as long as you did not change this name by the tooltype PORTNAME, as described in section Tooltypes. This should only be done, if you have another program running that uses the portname `DFA', as well, and you don't want to use DFA's feature to choose a clear portname.

A further remark on the Load, Append, and Save as commands:

If you give a filename, you should always use the complete pathname, as otherwise it is very likely that the file can't be found or is written to a place you don't expect. Refering to the home directory of DFA doesn't make much sense, as DFA is often placed in another drawer than the address files and, furthermore, as DFA remembers the recently loaded filename and uses it for loading and saving.

Beyond the item Syntax, the possible parameters are listed. The description of the parameters follows the known style given by Commodore, here is its meaning:

/S -- Switch
This is considered a boolean variable. If this option is present, the corresponding option is enabled, otherwise it keeps disabled.
/K -- Keyword.
This parameter must be given in the format `keyword=<setting>'; e.g. the `PRINT' command can get FORM/K either as FORM=ALL or FORM=SELECTED or FORM=ACTIVE. The equal sign = may be left out.
/N -- Number.
This means the parameter is considered a decimal integer,
/T -- Toggle.
This is similar to the switch (/S) modifier, but one of the keywords yes, on, no or off is expected (not case sensitive). According to the keyword you provide, the option is switched on or off respectively. Please notice that you may not use the equal sign (=) between the parameter and the modifier. The following examples may give you an idea, how this switch can be used:
	gui input off output on

	gui input yes output ON

	gui input NO output off

Important: Starting with version 2.2 of DFA the behaviour of this /T switch changed a bit, so please adopt your Arexx scripts accordingly.
/A -- Always.
This modifier means that this option is required. It must appear in the command line.

The exact syntax for every AREXX command can be found below, see section Arexx commands, for details.


The AREXX interface of DFA gives you a powerful instrument to manage the stored addresses. A wider range of functionality, however, implements more ways of loosing your data! This could happen not only by a malfunction of DFA, but also by an improper used function or parameter. Therefore, I encourage you to make regular copies of your databases to keep the potential damage as small as possible.

Format of the Address Field

If ADDRESS/M is listed in the return code section, this means that the corresponding command returns the wanted address if it has been executed successfully. The address can be found either in the variable given together with the AREXX keyword STEM or VAR or in the default variable RESULTS.


	/* Outputs the first address */


	/* Please notice the full stop behind 'TEST' ! */


This short example outputs the name of the first entry of the address list.

The STEM keyword returns the address in the form of a list, i.e. the address items appear in `TEST.ADDRESS.0' through `TEST.ADDRESS.25'. In `TEST.ADDRESS.COUNT' you can find the number of entries of the address array. The VAR keyword lets DFA return the desired address as well, but the whole address is stored in one single variable, separated by spaces. Please consult your AREXX manual for further details.

The address fields correspond to the following "numbers":


Arexx commands

The ABOUT Command

The About window of DFA is opened

The APPEND Command

`Argument template:'
New addresses are appended to the existing address database. If the existing addresses have been changed, the new addresses are not appended, as long as you don't supply the keyword FORCE additionally. It is possible to use the PROMPT parameter, which will supply a file requester to input the desired filename of the address database to append.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


ATTEMPTLOCK [<retries>] [<delay>]
`Argument template:'
If you are in network mode (see section Networking), you have to get write access to the address file, before you may modify anything. To do so you have to use the `ATTEMPTLOCK' command. If someone else in the LAN keeps the write access to the desired address file, this commands returns an error code in RC and RC2 (see section The FREELOCK Command).
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


CHANGEGROUPS [<group2>] [<group1>] [<group3>] [<group4>] [<group5>] [<group6>] [<group7>] [<group8>] [ALL]
`Argument template:'
Changes the active group selection. Commands like `PRINT' or `SEARCH' apply only to the currently active groups. To reach all addresses in all groups you have to activate them using this command before. Please notice that I have changed the syntax of this command for version 2.5. Instead of the /S switch I implemented the /T toggle switch, which is more flexible.
`Argument description:'
/* Activate groups 1 through 6                           */
/* The group selection for groups 7 and 8 is not changed */



The CLEARALL Command

All items of the address list are deselected.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Only addresses that correspond to the current group selection are deselected!

The DESELECT Command

The current entry (it one exists) is deselected.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The DIAL Command

The current address (if one exists) is dialed up.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The EDIT Command

EDIT [SALUTATION <string>] [FIRST <string>] [NAME <string>] [STREET <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY <string>] [STATE <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>] [PHONE <string>] [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2 <string>] [EMAIL3 <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [GROUP1] [GROUP2] [GROUP3] [GROUP4] [GROUP5] [GROUP6] [GROUP7] [GROUP8] [SELECT] [EXTERNAL <string>]
`Argument template:'
The current address (if one exists) is modified in the given fields. The former contents of these fields is deleted. Fields that are not given as parameters are not changed and keep their former contents. Please notice that parameters that contain spaces have to be set into quotes, for example:
	EDIT 'COMMENT="A test that contains spaces"'
Please remember to use ' for the outer and " for the inner quotes! Since version 2.2 of DFA has been completed, the behavior of the /T modifiers has slightly changed. If you want to switch a /T parameter on, you have to supply a `ON' or `YES' just behind the according parameter. To switch a parameter off, use the keywords `OFF' or `NO', e.g.

`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


EDITTEMPLATE [SALUTATION <string>] [FIRST <string>] [NAME <string>] [STREET <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY <string>] [STATE <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>] [PHONE <string>] [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2 <string>] [EMAIL3 <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [<group1>] [<group2>] [<group3>] [<group4>] [<group5>] [<group6>] [<group7>] [<group8>] [<select>]
`Argument template:'
Changes the template address. This command makes most sense within the AREXX script that may be used in connection with the the New function of the DFA-Editor.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Please notice that the template address is not used by the AREXX interface, but only by the DFA-Editor.
 * Example for an AREXX script that may be used in
 * connection with the New function of the DFAEditor.
 * It sets the salutation and name fields with contents

address 'DFA'

edittemplate 'salutation="Mr" name="<still unknown>"'


The FIRST Command

FIRST [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The first address of the address list becomes the current one and is returned in the ADDRESS variable.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The FREELOCK Command

If you've got write access using the ATTEMPTLOCK command (cf. section The ATTEMPTLOCK Command), you should free the locked file as soon as possible using the FREELOCK command, to give other members of the LAN the chance to access this address file.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Makes sense in network mode only!


GETCURRENT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The current entry (if there exists one) is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The GETPREFS Command

`Argument template:'
Returns the settings of DFA. Only the first argument is used. The return value can be found in RESULT or within the variable you can give together with the VAR or STEM keyword.
`Argument description:'
The return value depends on the argument you supply; see above.


GETTEMPLATE [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The current template address is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The GUI Command

GUI [<input>] [<output>]
`Argument template:'
Using this command you may lock or free the DFAEditor's output and input respectively. After you've locked the input of the DFAEditor using `GUI INPUT OFF', it is no longer possible to do any input to the DFAEditor, i.e. you cannot select any gadgets or menus. If you've used `GUI OUTPUT OFF' to lock the output of the DFAEditor, the address and teh panel listview of the DFAEditor main window are no longer updated, when you more through the address list using `NEXT' or `PREV' for example. Not before you've used the command `GUI OUTPUT ON', the displayed is "activated" again.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Please make sure that you enable input and/or output, before your Arexx script ends, if you've formerly disabled them.

The ICONIFY Command

`Argument template:'
The DFA-Editor is stopped, if it is currently running. The DFA-Server, however, keeps running, so you still can reach the DFA-Editor by pushing the hotkey.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The KILL Command

`Argument template:'
The current entry (CURRENT) or all selected (SELECTED) addresses are deleted! If you use the KILL command without a parameter, it has the same meaning as if you had given the CURRENT parameter, i.e. the current address (as long as there is one) is deleted.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
No safety requester will pop up! The addresses are deleted even if they have been modified before!

The LAST Command

LAST [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The last address becomes the current one and is returned in ADDRESS.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The LOAD Command

`Argument template:'
The given address file is loaded, if the previously loaded one had not been changed. You may force the loading of the new addresses by giving the FORCE parameter. Please notice that using the FORCE option throws away any changes you applied to the former loaded addresses. Instead of giving a filename, it is possible to use the PROMPT parameter, which will supply a file requester to input the desired filename.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


`Argument template:'
Loads a preferences file.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The NEW Command

NEW [SALUTATION <string>] [FIRST <string>] [NAME <string>] [STREET <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY <string>] [STATE <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>] [PHONE <string>] [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2 <string>] [EMAIL3 <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [GROUP1] [GROUP2] [GROUP3] [GROUP4] [GROUP5] [GROUP6] [GROUP7] [GROUP8] [SELECT] [EXTERNAL <string>]
`Argument template:'
A new address is created using the provided data. Please notice that any templates you may have entered, will not be used by the Arexx interface.
`Argument description:'

The NEWFILE Command

NEWFILE [<filename>] [FORCE] [PROMPT]
`Argument template:'
This command makes it possible to create a new address file. The command fails if the previously loaded address file has been modifed. This behaviour can be changed by giving the FORCE option additionally. Using the parameter PROMPT enables a file requester to input the new filename.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The NEXT Command

NEXT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The next address becomes the current one and is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The NEXTSEL Command

NEXTSEL [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The next selected address becomes the current one and is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


`Argument template:'

The Edit window is opened and the current address is displayed, if there is one. The execution of the Arexx script is halted until the Edit window is closed.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
The Edit window is opened only if there is a current address, otherwise an error code is returned (see above).

The POPUP Command

If the DFA-Editor hasn't run up to now, it is started. Then it opens its main window. If the DFA-Editor is already running, it comes to front.

The PREV Command

PREV [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The previous address becomes the current one and is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The PREVSEL Command

PREVSEL [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The previously selected address becomes the current one and is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The PRINT Command

PRINT [WHICH <string>] [FILE <string>] [NLQ] [CONDENSED] [FORMFEED] [<form>]
`Argument template:'
Prints the desired addresses.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The SAVE Command

The addresses are saved under their current name.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The SAVEAS Command

`Argument template:'
The addresses are saved under the given name.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:


The addresses are saved under the default name that you entered in the DFA-Preferences (default name: `s:adr.file').
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Please use this command very carefully! If you've just loaded another than the default address file, the default address file is overwritten by this command!


SAVEPREFS [<filename>] [PROMPT]
`Argument template:'
Saves the preferences file.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
This command works only in the registered version of DFA.

The SEARCH Command

`Argument template:'
The given pattern is searched for. If an address fits into the pattern, it is returned. If the DFA-Editor is currently open, the address list scrolls to the corresponding place.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
 * Look for all names beginning with M.
 * Make no difference between upper and lower case.




SEARCHNEXT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
Continue searching for the pattern given before in SEARCH. If the search succeeded, the found address is returned. If the DFA-Editor is currently running, the address listview is updated.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The SELALL Command

All addresses are selected.
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
Only addresses that match the current group selection are selected.


`Argument template:'
All addresses that match the given pattern are selected. Upper and lower case does not make a difference.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:
All fields of all addresses (that match the current group selection) are searched.

The SELECT Command

SELECT [QUERY] [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
`Argument template:'
The current entry (if there is one) is selected. If you supply the QUERY parameter, the current address is not selected, but its selection state (0 or 1) is returned.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

The SETPREFS Command

SETPREFS [<showappicon|appicon>] [AUTOSAVE|AS <string>] [<makeicon>] [<secretmode|sm>] [<networkmode|nwmode>] [NETWORKRETRIES|NWRETRIES <figure>] [NETWORKDELAY|NWDELAY <figure>] [GROUPNAME1 <string>] [GROUPNAME2 <string>] [GROUPNAME3 <string>] [GROUPNAME4 <string>] [GROUPNAME5 <string>] [GROUPNAME6 <string>] [GROUPNAME7 <string>] [GROUPNAME8 <string>] [GROUPRELATION|GREL <string>] [MODEMBAUD|MBAUD <string>] [MODEMINIT|MINIT <string>] [MODEMEXIT|MEXIT <string>] [MODEMPREDIAL|MPDIAL <string>] [MODEMSUFFDIAL|MSDIAL <string>] [MODEMSERDEV|MDEV <string>] [MODEMSERDEVNO|MDEVNO <figure>] [<modemuseodu|modu>] [MODEMRETRIES|MRETRIES <figure>] [MODEMDELAY|MDELAY <figure>] [PATHSADDRESSFILE|PAFILE <string>] [PATHSEXTERNALDIR|PEXT <string>] [PATHSASCIIED|PASCIIED <string>] [PATHSASCIISHOW|PASCIISHOW <string>] [SORTBY1 <string>] [SORTBY2 <string>] [SORTBY3 <string>] [SORTBY4 <string>]
`Argument template:'
Lets you set the most important settings.
`Argument description:'

The SORT Command

SORT [SORT1 <string>] [SORT2 <string>] [SORT3 <string>] [SORT4 <string>]
`Argument template:'
The addresses are sorted according to the sort criteria given in the DFA-Preferences. Alternatively you may explicitly give the search criteria by which you would like your addresses be sorted.
`Argument description:'
The following error codes can be returned in RC2:

Error Codes

Below the usual error code that can be found in the RC variable (2) the AREXX interface of DFA returns a second return value in the variable RC2, which describes in further detail what has gone wrong.

Bolow you'll find the error numbers and their meaning:

	Symbolic Name                Meaning

10  RXERR_NONETWORKAPPEND....Could not append file,
							 as the network mode is activated
11  RXERR_MODIFIED...........The address file has been changed
12  RXERR_NOFILENAME.........No filename has been supplied
13  RXERR_NOCURRENT..........No current address available
14  RXERR_NOFIRST............No first address available
15  RXERR_NOICONIFY..........Iconifying the Editor went wrong
16  RXERR_NONETWORKKILL......Deleting addresses is not allowed
							 while in network mode
17  RXERR_NOLAST.............There is no last address
18  RXERR_NOLOAD.............The address file could not be loaded
19  RXERR_NONETWORKNEW.......It is not possible to enter new
							 addresses in network mode
20  RXERR_NONEXT.............There is no next address
21  RXERR_NONEXTSEL..........There is no next selected address
22  RXERR_NOPREV.............There is no previous address
23  RXERR_NOPREVSEL..........There is no previous selected address
24  RXERR_SYNTAX.............The AREXX command contained an syntax error
25  RXERR_WRITEALL...........The "printing" of addresses (all)
							 into a file went wrong
26  RXERR_WRITESEL...........The "printing" of addresses (selected)
							 into a file went wrong
27  RXERR_WRITECURRENT.......The "printing" of the current address
							 into a file went wrong
28  RXERR_NOSAVE.............The address file could not be saved
29  RXERR_NONETWORKSAVE......Saving your address database is not
							 allowed in network mode
30  RXERR_NOTFOUND...........The wanted address could not be found
31  RXERR_NONETWORKCLEAR.....Unselecting addresses is not allowed
							 while being in network mode
32  RXERR_NONETWORKSELECT....Selecting addresses is not allowed
							 in network mode
33  RXERR_NONETWORKSORT......Sorting addresses is not allowed
							 while being in network mode
34  RXERR_NONETWORKEDIT......Editing addresses is not allowed
							 while being in network mode
35  RXERR_OPNPRT.............Could not open printer device
36  RXERR_CRTEXTIO...........Could not reach the printer
							 (ExtIO could not be initialized)
37  RXERR_CRTPORT............Could not reach the printer
							 (Could not open message port)
38  RXERR_NOMEM..............No more RAM available
39  RXERR_NORELOAD...........Reloading the address file went wrong
40  RXERR_NOWRITELOCK........could not get write access to the
							 address file
41  RXERR_NODIR..............Could not locate the needed drawer
42  RXERR_NOFILE.............Could not find the address file
43  RXERR_APPENDFAILED.......Appending an address file went wrong
44  RXERR_ENVCHANGED.........Execution of the current AREXX command
							 has been canceled, as the environment changed
							 (e.g. new address file)
45  RXERR_NOEXTERNAL.........Trying to access the external file had no success
46  RXERR_NOSERIALDEV........Could not open serial device
47  RXERR_NOPHONENUM.........Current address doesn't have a phone number
48  RXERR_SERNOCARRIER.......Phone: No Carrier
49  RXERR_SERNODIALTONE......Phone: No dialtone
50  RXERR_SERRING............Phone: Ring
51  RXERR_SERBUSY............Phone: Line is busy
52  RXERR_SEROK..............Phone: Modem sent 'Ok'
53  RXERR_SERERROR...........Phone: Modem recognized an error
54  RXERR_SERCONNECT.........Phone: Data connect
55  RXERR_SERVOICE...........Phone: Voice connect
56  RXERR_SERUNKNOWN.........Error caused by the serial device
57  RXERR_OPNPRFS............The preferences file could not be

The DFA-Editor program

The DFA-Editor is the graphical user interface of DFA.

It can be started seperately or may be invoked (by the hotkey for example) out of the DFA-Server.


If you click once on the DFA-Editor icon and then activate the Information program of the Workbench, you may adjust the following tooltypes:

CLI Parameter

If you start the DFA-Editor from the shell (or the CLI), it uses the tooltypes of the corresponding `.info' file! However, you may overwrite these settings by giving one or more of the following CLI parameters:


This means, you may use...

The Main Window

The main window of the DFA-Editor can be resized using the sizing gadget on the lower right corner of the window. The window contents automatically adapts to the new window dimensions.

As the main window is a socalled application window, you may drag the icon of an address file on this window and drop it to let the DFA-Editor load the corresponding address file.

The main window of the DFA-Editor gives you the following possibilities:

At the lower end of the main window of the DFA-Editor you can find the gadgets Quit and Remove.

If you hit Quit, the DFA-Editor is terminated! The DFA-Server, if it is currently running, is not ended however, so you can still reach the DFA-Editor by a doubleclick on the application icon and/or the hotkey (default: Left Amiga F5)

If you select Remove, not only the DFA-Editor is ended, but also any currently running DFA-Server.

If you terminate the DFA-Editor using Quit or Remove, the addresses are saved if they had been modified before. This behaviour can be customized in the DFA-Preferences however.

Tool Gadgets

It is possible reach the so called tool gadgets from the DFA-Editor. Using these gadgets, you can easily reach the following functions :

Please notice that there is a corresponding menu item for every tool gadget. All functions can, therefore, be reached by keyboard shortcuts as well!

The Menu Items


The About window gives you some useful information about the program and the author:


The window which pops up as soon as you select the Info menu item, gives you some useful information:

New file

If you want to create a new, i.e. empty address file, you use this menu item. A new address file named unnamed.dfa is created. You may use the Save as... menu item to save this address file under another name.

Be careful:

Please, never use Save as default after you created a new file to save it, as the new address file (the empty one!) would overwrite your old "default" address file, which means that the old addresses would have been lost!


Use Open to load another address file. The currently loaded addresses are not kept in memory but replaced by the loaded! After you selected Load, a file requester pops up, which lets you enter the address file. Notice that only files with the proper format can be loaded --- files that have been created by DFA before! Files with the wrong format can't be loaded by DFA and the addresses in RAM are kept unchanged!


Append allows you to append further addresses to the existing ones. The addresses in RAM are not deleted before. Be careful! If you append two identical address lists, every entry will appear twice, which is usually not desired.

It is possible to set the group selection for the addresses that are to be appended in the little window that appears after you selected Append. These group selection flags are set to all addresses that shall be loaded!

Please notice that existing group flags of addresses in the file to append are not erased! This means that you may only add new group flags to the addresses but not unset existing ones!

Ok accepts the set group selection and appends the selected address file; Cancel not only cancels the group selection, but the complete appending procedure, i.e. no addresses are appended!


Save saves the addresses with the current name. The current name is either the one you entered in the preferences (default: `DFA:Addressfiles/Default.dfa') or the one you selected before when loading an address file.

Save as...

Save as saves the address as well. However, you are able to select a filename before (a file requester pops up). This may be useful if you have several address files for different purposes, or you've created a new address file just before (cf. section New file) and want to enter a new name for your address file.

Save as default

The addresses will be saved with the name specified in the preferences (default: `s:adr.file'), if you select Save as default, even if you loaded a file with another name before.

Be careful:

If you have loaded an address file with other than the default name before (or you've created a new address file), you should not use Save as default, as the current address file would overwrite the default address file.


Quit ends the DFA-Editor! The DFA-Server, if it is currently running, is not ended, so the DFA-Editor still can be reached by a double click on the application icon or by the hotkey (Default: Left Amiga F5).


Select Remove to end not only the DFA-Editor but a currently running DFA-Server as well.

If you end the DFA-Editor using Quit or Remove DFA, the addresses are saved if they have been modified. This behaviour can be customized in the DFA-Preferences program however.


Shows the current entry in a separate window. All fields of the address are displayed here; See section Full.


Using Edit gives you the chance to change the current address item, if there is one. If there is no current entry, the corresponding button is "ghosted" and can't be selected (see section Edit).


Select New to enter a new address. The functions inside of this window are exactly the same as within the Edit window; see section New for details.


Use Kill to delete either the current entry (if there is one) or all marked addresses. To make sure that nobody deletes precious addresses, a savety requester pops up.

Copy to Clipboard

This function makes it possible to copy the current address to the clipboard (unit 0).

Every other program that supplies clipboard support, can access these data.

Set and Unset Groups

After you have selected this menu item, another window pops up that allows you to change the group flags of one, several or all addresses fast and comfortably.

Any of the 8 cycle gadgets takes effect to the corresponding group flag. You may either keep, set or clear each flag.

Please notice that these actions take effect only to the active addresses, i.e. the addresses that can be seen within the main address listview.

Hit Active to change the current address (if there exists one), Marked to change all marked addresses and All to (un)set the group flags of all (visible) addresses.


Another window pops up that allows you to enter several search criteria (cf. section Search):

Search Next

Search Next can be selected only, if there has been given a search pattern previously using the Search function. If this is the case, the next matching entry is displayed (not marked!).


After you have selected Print, another window pops up, which gives you several ways to print your addresses, as it is described in section Print.


Sort sorts the complete address list. As long as you use the default setting, the list is sorted by name, first name and city (in this order). If you prefer another sort order, you may change it in the DFA-Preferences.


Another window pops up, which allows you to dial phone numbers (cf. section Dial).

Select Groups

This menu item has the two submenus All and None; accordingly all group flags are either selected or deselected.


The DFA-Preferences program is loaded. Please notice that the tooltype DFAPREFS of the DFA-Editor has to be set correctly to enable the DFA-Editor to find the DFA-Preferences program! This has usually already been done by the install program.

Edit Template

The window that pops up will be quite familiar to you, as it is exactly the same as in section Edit or section New. You may enter several presets here, which are automatically copied into the corresponding fields, just before you enter a new address. The template strings are saved in the address file, so it is possible to have different templates for every address file.

Use Template Script

This toggle menu switches the usage of the template script on or off. As soon as the Template script is not used, the usual template address will be used (see section Edit Template.

Use PostProcess Script

This toggle menu item switches the usage of the postprocess on or off. As soon as the postprocess script is used, the AREXX script that may be selected from within the DFA-Preferences, will be executed after the input of a new address.

Dieses Umschalt-Men� schaltet die Nutzung des Nachbearbeitungs-Arexx-Skripts ein oder aus. Sobald das Nachbearbeitungs-Skript benutzt wird, wird nach der Eingabe einer neuen Adresse das in den DFA-Preferences eingestellte AREXX-Skript ausgef�hrt.

Write Access

This menu item can only be selected if you have activated the network mode before.

Starting with version 2.0, DFA supplies a simple network mode. This network mode has been developed to make it possible for several connected computers to use the same address file. The problem that comes up, when an address file is used by more than one user at the same time is the following:

If several users change the address file at the same time, the last saved address file overwrites the previously saved ones. The previously saved changes are lost!

DFA tries to solve this problem in the following way:

If the network mode is active, all operations that change the address database are forbidden, i.e. saving, changing, marking of addresses is not possible. It is allowed however, to view the addresses (`Full'), to scroll within the address list, to print the addresses and so on.

If you want to do some changes on the addresses, you have to obtain write access to the address file. This can be done using the AREXX command `ATTEMPTLOCK' or by selecting the menu item `Write Access' in the DFA-Editor.

If your try to get write access was successful, you may change the addresses. If you've completed your changes, you should free the write access using either the AREXX command `FREELOCK' or the menu item `Write Access' in the DFA-Editor. After you have done so, other members of the LAN can get write access to this address file.

Instead of getting permanent write access, the DFA-Editor supplies the socalled "auto lock mode". This mode is activated automatically, as soon as you've switched on the network mode. If you want to change anything, the DFA-Editor tries to get write access to the address file automatically and releases the write access as soon as the change is done.

Load Preferences

Select this menu item, if you want to load another preferences file. Using this feature of DFA makes it possible to use different settings for different purposes, i.e. for different address files.

Save Preferences

As the window coordinates and several other settings of the DFA-Editor are saved together with the preferences that can be tuned in the DFA-Preferences program, there is the opportunity to save the preferences not only from within the DFA-Preferences program, but from the DFA-Editor as well using this menu item.

Save Preferences as

If you want to save the settings with another name than the default (this makes sense, if you use different preferences files), select this menu item. A file requester pops up and you may select the wanted file name.

Arexx Commands

All AREXX scripts can be reached not only by the functions keys, but by these menu items as well.

Sorting of the Address Display

Using one of these menu items, it is possible to sort the address display of the DFA-Editor. Depending on which menu item you select (`Salutation', `Name', etc.), the addresses are sorted in the desired way.

This sorting has only effect to the displayed addresses and is not permanet, i.e. the sorting refers to the display of the addresses only, and not to the internal managment of the addresses! Because of this, the original order of the addresses is restored, as soon as you change the group selection, for example; the addresses are saved in the original order as well.

Someone may ask now by himself, what sense a sort function make that has an effect only for quite a short time. But wouldn't it be nice to sort the addresses by their ZIP on demand, just to look which people live near to each other. Or sort the display by the city and you have all addresses of a specified town listed one beyond the other.

On the long run, such a sorting doesn't make much sense. Therefore, to sort the addresses permanently, the usual sort function in connection to the DA-Preferences programm has to be used.

Please notice:

If you've just sorted your display, the Quick Search function (RSHIFT <letter>) cannot work correctly! In this case, restore the original sort order; either by changing the group selection or by selecting the "normal" sort function.


Full can only be selected if there is a current address! If this is the case, another window pops up (title: Full address...), which displays all fields of the current address.

If there is an external file for the current address, you may select the View external button to start the ASCII viewer together with the corresponding external file. 7

Please notice that the ASCII viewer of your choice may be entered in the DFA-Preferences program (cf. section Edit).

The listview that displays the different fields of the current address may be scrolled as follows:

 Cursor down       The listview scrolls up.

Cursor up The listview scrolls down.

Below this listview there is a gadget panel that may be used to step through the addresses:

Ok closes the window, Edit opens the Edit window. The Edit window is described in further detail in section Edit.


If a current address exists (cf. section Full), a window pops up, where you may change any part of the address. The string gadgets have some additional features compared to the "original" ones:

As soon as no string gadget is activated, you may move through the address list using the cursor keys:

   Cursor right     Show next address
   Cursor left      Show previous address

SHIFT+Cursor right  Show next selected address
SHIFT+Cursor left   Show previous selected address

CRTL+Cursor right   Show last address
CRTL+Cursor left    Show first address

The Edit fields are:

Address         Address
First           First name
Name            Name
c/o             may be used for additional information
Street          Street/No.
Zip             Zip
City            City
State           State
Country         Country
Birthday        Birthday
Phone           Telphone number. Seperate multiple phone numbers
                by a pipe sign (|).
Fax             Telefax number
Email1          email address # 1
Email2          email address # 2
Email3          email address # 3
Comment         Comment

Please notice that it is possible to enter more than one phone number into the Phone field. These numbers can be dialed correctly as well, as long as you separate them by a pipe sign (|).

Using the Address selected checkbox you may set (or unset) the selection state of the current address.

If you hit External you activate the ASCII--Editor (default: `ed'). This makes sense if you want to enter a long text (for example: How to find the way to Joe User, living in New York City). When you have finished your input, save the file with the given name and quit the editor. The DFA-Editor remembers the file name, so it is then possible to access this external file e.g. from the Full window (cf. section Full) or from the Edit window to modify it.

As soon as there is an external file for the current address item, the Del. button can be used to delete an external file as soon as you no longer need it.

All external files get their unique file name from DFA. This file name is guaranteed to be unique within the given directory (default: `s:DFAExternals'). DFA only saves the filename -- not the file itself, so this is completely up to you. Please do not change the filename given by DFA, as if you do so, DFA will no longer be able to find this file! If you want to delete one (or more) external files, you have to use the Del. function of this window. This is the only way to make sure that not only the file itself is deleted, but the filename, which is stored by DFA as well!

You may set your favourite ASCII editor, as well as the wanted directory for the external files, in the DFA-Preferences program.

Hit Ok to use the changes; if you select Cancel instead, all changes are discarded.


New opens a window that looks exactly like the Edit window! Nearly all functions within this window are the same as in the Edit window (see section Edit for details), with the following exceptions:


You may enter several search criteria in this window.


This window contains all functions that may be used to print the addresses.

Please notice:

Of course, DFA's abilities to print are a bit limited, and it can't compete with the abilities of a DTP program. I think, however, that it does make much more sense to let programs print your addresses that are specialized in printing. Such programs give you much more features and often result in a much better printing quality than an address utility could ever reach. So DFA should be used to supply the stored addresses to (spezialized) printing programs and not not print the addresses by itself. An ideal mean for this purpose is the AREXX port for sure, which is not only part of DFA, but of many printing programs as well.

Even if your favourite printing program doesn't have an AREXX port, you may use DFA's AREXX interface to export and format the address, so other programs can easily use them.


For owners of modems only!

If you have a modem connected to your computer, it is possible to let the computer dial the stored phone number(s). If you have entered more than one number into the phone field, they must be seperated by a pipe sign (|). When you start dialing a status window pops up. You may either dial the current address or all selected addresses.

You can cancel the dialing at any time (Cancel) or skip the current number (Skip).

To be able to let the computer dial phone numbers, it is needed that you connected your modem to the socket and your phone to the modem. After DFA has successfully dialed the number, you have to transfer the connection from the modem to the phone; hit Cancel to do so.

If the line is just busy, DFA redials until it succeeds or the maximum number of phone calls is reached.

The modem settings can be changed in the DFA-Preferences program.

The DFA-Preferences Program

The DFA-Preferences program (filename: `DFAPrefs') may be used to configure DFA. It can be started from the DFA-Editor (menu item `Settings->Preferences') as well as directly from the Workbench or the Shell.

Tool Types

If you click on the DFA-Editor icon once and then activate the Information program of the Workbench, you may adjust the following tooltypes:


If you start the DFA-Preferences program from the shell (or the CLI), it uses the tooltypes of the corresponding `.info' file! However, you may overwrite these setting by giving one or more of the following CLI parameters:


This means, you may use...

The DFA-Preferences Main Window

From the main window you can reach all subwindows. You may either open one subwindow at a time or several subwindows at the same time.

Please notice that all settings that you confirm using Ok become active at once and stay active until you change them again or leave DFA.

Save Preferences

Saves the preferences.

Use Preferences

Saves the preferences temporarily to `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs', i.e. the preferences stay active until you reboot the computer.

Remove DFA

Removes a running DFA application, i.e. the DFA-Server and the DFA-Editor will be terminated, if they are currently running.

Quit Preferences

Quits the DFA-Preferences program.


In the About window you'll find something useful about the program itself and the author:

Open Preferences

A file requester pops up and you may select another than the default preferences file. After loading the preferences file, all open windows are updated to the new settings.

Save Preferences

See See section Save Preferences.

Save Preferences as

A file requester pops up and you may enter the name under which you want to save the current settings.


See See section Use Preferences.

Remove DFA

See See section Remove DFA.

Quit Preferences

See See section Quit Preferences.

Reset To Defaults

All values are reset to the builtin default values.

Last Saved

The preferences are reset to the vaules last saved in in `ENVARC:DFA/DFA.prefs'.


The preferences are reset to the vaules last saved in in `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs'.


Application Icon

Application Menu

It is possible to reach the DFA-Editor via an menu item of the Workbench's "Tools" menu while the DFA-Server is running. To enable the menu item, switch this checkbox on.

Auto Save

There are several ways to make sure that your addresses are saved regularly:

Icon Creation

If you want DFA to save an icon together with the address files, you have to switch this checkbox to ON state. To get an icon for every address database file make sense e.g. if you like to use DFA's application window.

Hires Mode

If you select this checkbox, DFA tries to use an alternate window layout for some windows. E.g. the edit window will appear with more space for the string gadgets. If you select this hires mode and don't have anough space on your screen (640x400 pixels should be sufficient), DFA falls back to the original space-saving window layout automatically.

Secret Mode

Not everyone likes DFA informing everybody about how many addresses are sorted, saved, loaded and so on. If you select Secret Mode, instead of the number of addresses, three dots are displayed.


Starting with version 2.0, DFA supplies a simple network mode. This network mode has been developed to make it possible for several connected computers to use the same address file. The problem that comes up, when an address file is used by more than one user at the same time is the following:

If several users change the address file at the same time, the last saved address file overwrites the previously saved ones. The previously saved changes are lost!

DFA tries to solve this problem in the following way:

If the network mode is active, all operations that change the address database are forbidden, i.e. saving, changing, marking of addresses is not possible. It is allowed however, to view the addresses (`Full'), to scroll within the address list, to print the addresses and so on.

If you want to do some changes on the addresses, you have to obtain write access to the address file. This can be done using the AREXX command `ATTEMPTLOCK' or by selecting the menu item `Write Access' in the DFA-Editor.

If your try to get write access was successful, you may change the addresses. If you've completed your changes, you should free the write access using either the AREXX command `FREELOCK' or the menu item `Write Access' in the DFA-Editor. After you have done so, other members of the LAN can get write access to this address file.

Address Listview

This window may be used to configure the main (address) listview of the DFA-Editor:

Each line of the address listview contains one address. Each line may have up to eight columns. Each column can display any field of the particular address.

This all may have sounded a bit complicated, so I'll give you an example that shall make clear in a step by step procedure, how to configure your "own" format for the address listview:

Let's say, you want the following format of the listview's lines:

<First Name> <Name> <Phone> <Group Flags>

    30%        30%    40%        ---

...then you should do like this:

Click on the Columns gadget until `Column 1' is shown. Now select `First name' in the Fields listview and enter `30' into the Weight string gadget. Click once on the Columns gadget -- `Column 2' appears. Select `Name' in the Fields listview and enter `30' into the Weight string gadget. Click on the Columns gadget once again -- `Column 3' appears -- and select `Phone' from the Fields listview. Please enter `40' into the Weight string gadget. One more click on the Columns gadget brings `Column 4' to front. Now select `Group flags' from the Fields listview. Please notice that the Weight gadget is displayed "ghosted" now and, therefore, no input into this gadget is possible; this is not needed either, as the group flags always need eight characters. Please click on the Columns gadget one more time to make `Column 5' visible. Select Clear column to make sure that the 5th column is "clear". Hit Ok to make the changes active -- if the DFA-Editor program is currently running, all changes will be visible at once.

Panel Listview

Below the address listview of the DFA-Editor main window, there is another listview called "Panel listview". This is used to make further information about the current address visible. It is possible to display up to 16 lines. Every line can display any field of the address; the line title may be changed as well.

Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the number of lines that are visible at a time.

The following example may help you to understand the Panel listview configuration more easily:

Let's say you would like to get the following format in your Panel listview

         <Title>    <Contents>
<Line 1> EMail:     [EMail 1]
<Line 2>            [EMail 2]
<Line 3> Comment:   [Comment]

Terms between the `[' and `]' brackets describe field names, terms between `<' and `>' brackets serve as description.

First click on the Lines cycle gadget, until `Line 1' appears (after the window has opened Line 1 is usually visible already). Now select `EMail 1' from the Fields listview and enter `EMail:' into the Title string gadget. Now click on the Lines gadget once -- `Line 2' should become visible. Select `EMail 2' from the Fields listview and delete the contents of the Title string gadget, if it isn't empty already. One more click on the Lines gadget brings `Line 3' to front. Select `Comment' from the Lines listview and enter `Comment' into the Title string gadget. After one more click on the Lines gadget, please click on the Clear line gadget to delete line four, if it isn't empty. Hit Ok to accept the changes. If the DFA-Editor is currently running, the changes will be made visible at once.


First of all, a few words about the group flags and their purpose and meaning:

It is possible to separate your addresses into groups and set the different group flags for every address item. Let's say you're using the first three (out of a maximum of eight) group flags and you've named them `Private', `Business' and `Other' (see section Groups, for more information).

Now you can set the `Private' flag to all private addresses, the `Business' flag to all business related addresses, and the `Other' flag to all address that don't belong to any of these groups. Of course, you may set more than one flag at a time, if an address is a private one and business related as well, for example.

In the main window of the DFA-Editor you can select the groups you would like to see within the address listview (or use the AREXX command `CHANGEGROUPS' accordingly). If you want to see the private and the business addresses, activate both checkbox gadgets. Please notice that all actions, for instance, printing and searching are performed on the active (i.e. displayed) addresses only!

In the Groups window of the DFA--Preferences (cf. section Groups) you may set which kind of relation between the groups you like. If you have activated more than one group at the same time (in the example above `Private' and `Other'), you may select either the relation `via 'OR'' or the relation `via 'AND'':

Groups that don't have any group flags set can be made visible by deselecting all the group flags in the DFA-Editor main window (i.e. all check boxes are "empty").

Let's shift to the settings that are possible here:


The fonts that shall be used by the DFA-Editor and the DFA-Preferences program can be set in this window. If you don't change the default setting (Use System Font for every font), all program parts use the fonts you set in the Font Preferences program of the Workbench. Alternatively, you may set any font you like for each of the four fonts used.


The settings set here only have meaning if you have a modem connected to your computer and plan to use DFA to dial the stored phone numbers.

Furthermore you should have a phone connected to your modem!

The following settings may be changed:

The input you can do into Init String, Hangup String, PredialString and Suff. Dial String, can be found in the manual of your modem. In addition to the strings listed there, DFA supports the following command sequences:

Paths and Filenames

The file and pathnames used by DFA may be set here.

More comfortable than to enter the pathname into the string gadgets manually is to hit the button just behind the corresponding string gadget. If you do so, a file requester pops up and you may select the desired file or pathname.

Arexx Scripts

It is possible to bind one AREXX script to any function key (F1 through F10) and any "shifted" function key (SHIFT F1 through SHIFT F10). You may toggle between the 2 function key blocks using the Qualifier cycle gadget.

If you don't like to enter the name of the AREXX script (including its path) by hand, you may alternatively hit the button gadget just behind the corresponding string gadget (keyboard shortcut: SHIFT <digit>). If you do so, a file requester will pop up and the desired AREXX script can be selected.

The AREXX scripts you enter here can only be reached via the function keys from the main window of the DFA-Editor. In the `rexx' drawer of the DFA distribution, some example scripts can be found; all files suited for this purpose have the extension `.dfa'.

Into Template script you may enter the AREXX script, you want to use together with the New function to change the template address. Use script toggles the usage of this script on or off respectively.

The Postprocess script field may be used to enter an AREXX script, which is executed after a new address has been entered. Use p.process script toggles this script on or off.

Hit Ok to accept the changes or Cancel to quit the window and discard the changes.


The addresses can be sorted by (nearly) every field of an address. To manage this, you may enter up to four sort criteria here. The most important one is Sort criteria 1. If two addresses can't be distinguished by this criteria alone (e.g. if there are identical names), the second sort criteria (Sort criteria 2) is used. If a distinction is still impossible, the third sort criteria is used and so on.

Custom Screens

It is possible ot let DFA open its own custom screens. As long as you don't use this feature, DFA opens up on existing public screens. This behaviour can be customized by using the corresponding Tool Types.

Custom screens can be set for the DFA-Editor and for the DFA-Prefs program seperately.

Custom Screen (DFA-Editor)

Custom Screen DFA-Preferences Program

Legal stuff


  1. This licence applies to the product called `DFA', a package for the AMIGA computer, published by Dirk Federlein under the concepts of Shareware. The terms "Package", "DFA" and "Archive" refer to this product. The licensee is addressed as "you". This license does not apply to third party supplied programs, found e.g. in the `c' or `libs' drawer of the original distribution archive.
  2. You may use DFA for a period of up to 21 days for evaluation. After that, you have to register.
  3. This archive may be freely redistributed only without the keyfile, which you got from me when you have registered. Please remember that the keyfile contains your name to prevent you from giving it away to others.
  4. You are not allowed to draw commercial profit out of distributing this package. You may charge a fee to recover distribution and copy costs. The fee for diskette distribution may not be more than the cost to obtain a public domain diskette from Fred Fish.
  5. You are not allowed to manipulate any file of DFA and distribute it under any or no name. Compression with common archivers like `zoo' or `lharc' is allowed. You are only allowed to redistribute the whole original archive (without the keyfile however). Some files may be modified for your personal use: If you do such changes, you may do so for your personal use; redistribution of modified files is not allowed. (Nevertheless the author would be happy, if you'd sent him your modified files, so that they may serve as a basis for an inclusion into future versions of DFA)
  6. If developers of commercial software would like to include certain parts of DFA in their commercial products, they will have to contact the author of DFA first, to ask for permission.
  7. You agree to cease distributing DFA if requested to do so by the author.
  8. By copying, distributing and/or using DFA you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions.
  9. Each time you redistribute this package, the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute and/or use this package subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herin.
  10. As always, Fred Fish has got explicit permission to include this package into his wonderful "Fish Disk" collection, no matter if it is on floppy or compact disk.


This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. By using DFA, you agree to accept the entire risk as to the quality and performance of this package.

In no event (unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing) will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute this package as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this package (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Of course, DFA has been tested rather extensively before it was released. In case you find any bugs in DFA I please you to send me a bug report. See section Bug Reports.


Since Version 2.1 of DFA has been finished, it is an product with the SASG quality brand.

The advantages, which grow out of this can be looked up within the registration/information program.

Information about registration sites, the SASG, the shareware fee, payment methods etc. can be found there as well.

The registration program can be started either seperately or directly out of the about requester of DFA.

Before you register, you have the opportunity to test DFA in great detail. However, when using the unregistered version you can't save the preferences (this feature is disabled); all changes you perform using the DFA-Preferences program stay active only until you reboot your computer. The window positions are therefore not saved as well.

In spite of all this restrictions it should be possible to see if DFA is what you expect. As soon as you use DFA regularly, however not later than after 21 days, you have to register!

You'll get your personal keyfile, a TeX manual (in German and English) and an AMIGAGUIDE manual (German and English). All manual files are on the disk only and not printed!

You'll find my address below, see section Important Addresses.


I'm continuously working on DFA and I'll publish updates from time to time. These updates will be fed into the following electronic nets:

If you have access to such a electronic net, you can get the latest version of DFA quickly and cheaply. Many electronic mailboxes supply the latest version of DFA as well, e.g.

Publisher's Treff
SASG Support BBS - All SASG products available
63739 Aschaffenburg
Tel.: Germany-(0)6028-996886
Fido: 2:244/6302.0
You may get the latest version of DFA off from that BBS via Fido-FileRequest. The magic for the FileRequest is DFA. Any other SASG product may be requested as well.

97074 W�rzburg
Tel.: Germany--(0)931--781464, --781465, --781467, --781468, --72695, --884703, --884726

Alternatively you may order your update directly from me. Please use the registration program for this purpose -- as you've already done when you've registered.

Fred Fish will get DFA to include it in his library. However, it will last a few weeks until DFA finds its was on these floppy or compact disks respectively.

Bug Reports

In spite of the fact that every release version is tested very thoroughly before it is published, I can't guarantee that there are no more bugs in it.

This fact can be understood more easily, if you know that the source code of DFA takes up about 2 MB up to now!

So I ask you to report any bugs you discover. If you have any ideas what should be improved in future versions of DFA, please feel free to write, (mail or email, doesn't matter) giving me any suggestions.

Bug reports can be sent by ordinary or elecronic mail. The address can be found in section Important Addresses.

Important Addresses

The author's address

Home address:
Dirk Federlein
Brunnengasse 11a
63741 Aschaffenburg
Study address:
Dirk Federlein
Am Sonnenberg 34
97078 W�rzburg
UUCP: dirkf@alcmy.franken.de
CIS: 100577,1027
FIDO: 2:244/6302.12

E-mail reaches me always, no matter to which of the above addresses you write. If you prefer to send "normal" mail, you should send it to Aschaffenburg.

Bank address:
Bayerische Vereinsbank Aschaffenburg
Sort code: 795 200 70
Account: 160 6 140

Registration in Belgium

Olivier Toebosch
Kapittelstraat 19
2610 Wilrijk
FIDO: 2:292/603.21
Bank account:
Account: 403-4132721-12

Registration in England

Paul Jewell
7 Fairfield Avenue
Victoria Park
Great Britain (Wales)
UUCP: Paul_Jewell@savanna.exnet.com
Bank account:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-98-94
Account: 7574426

Registration in France

Etienne Schneider
1 impasse des Sans Boutons
F-80000 Amiens
UUCP: etienne.schneider@ramses.fdn.org

Registration in Germany

Christoph Reichert
Im Hag 2
63834 Sulzbach am Main
UUCP: chris@ptreff.ab.mayn.sub.de
FIDO: 2:244/6302.0
Bank address:
Sparkasse Aschaffenburg - Alzenau
Sort code: 795 500 00
Account: 528 01 77

Registration in Sweden

AUGS Shareware Center
c/o Nilsson, F�rgargr�nd 35
S-831 51 �stersund
UUCP: augssc@augs.se
FIDO: 2:204/404.888

Registration in the USA

Robert Blayzor
PO Box 807
Johnstown, NY 12095-0807
UUCP: die@lsd.org


Locale Support

While DFA V1.2x supported seven different languages, version 2.0 of DFA comes along only with english and german language support. This restriction has several reasons:

  1. The english and german version of the catalog files can be done by myself. Therefore I am no longer -- especially when creating updates --- forced to get updated locale files from many different parts of this world in time.
  2. For version 2.0 of DFA I enlarged the locale files by a big amount. To translate these files is a lot of work that I don't want to be done by other people than by myself.
  3. The enormous effort to adopt the locale files (for updates), prevented me a long time from doing a major update at all. Please notice that all locale files have to be changed, even if I add only one single sentence or word! Now there is no longer such a reason (for me) to delay updates!
  4. The number of registered users that prefer other languages than german or english is still quite low. This has been the reason not to put a french locale into DFA V1.2x, as in the beginning there was no registered french user at all. Furthermore --- most people prefer the english program texts even if English isn't their native language.

Since version 2.1 has been finished, the french program texts are available as well!

The CheckBirthday Program

Since DFA got its Arexx--Port, it comes along with an Arexx script that displays coming birthdays. This script had, besides several pros, one real con: It needed much time to process a (long) address list.

Out of this reason DFA now comes along with an addition tool that does the same job, but much faster.

It can be started out of the shell, with the command:


The meaning of the different parameters:

The address database file
Number of days before the birthday
Number of days after the birthday
Delay in seconds after the output of all birthdays

Starting from Workbench is possible as well! Please notice that you have to make sure that you have adjusted the tooltypes to your needs. These tooltypes have the same names as the shell parameter. Additionally the WINDOW tooltype is available that gives you the chance to set the output window position and size, like:


Needed Configuration

The minimum configuration for the usage of DFA consists of any AMIGA computer that runs at least AMIGA--OS 2.0 and 1 MB RAM.

As the addresses are completely kept in RAM, as more you have as better it is.

A harddisk is not needed, but recommended. If you don't have a harddisk, you should posses at least two disk drives and make sure that your boot disk still has enough free space.

If you run (at least) Workbench 2.1 on your system, you may change the native language if you like (use the Locale preferences program of the Workbench to do so).

If you run version 3.x of the operating system, you can enjoy some additional (mostly optical) features of this OS version.

Hints and Tips

After I restarted the computer, DFA has "forgotten" all window positions I'd adjusted before -- why?
To save the window positions, you have to save the DFA preferences. This can be done for example by selecting the appropriate menu item (`Settings->Save Preferences') of the DFA-Editor. Please remember that the settings, and as a consequence of this, the window positions as well, can only be saved in the registered version of DFA (see section Registration, for details).
After I entered another position for the application icon, it stayed on the same place as before.
Click on the Show check box gadget in the Miscellaneous Window of the DFA-Preferences program (cf. section Miscelleneous) twice. Now the application icon should appear on the desired position, as long as there is no other icon that occupies this position on the Workbench.
As soon as I want to modify anything, a requester appears which tells me that I need "write access" before I may change my addresses.
Switch off the network mode (see section Miscelleneous). If you need the network mode, select Write Access in the Settings menu of the DFA-Editor.
If I hit the HELP key, I get no online help at all -- nothing happens!
Make sure that the online help files (`DFAEditor.guide' and `DFAPrefs.guide') exist and the corresponding tooltypes of the DFA-Editor and the DFA-Preferences program are set correctly (cf. section Tool Types).
I appended an old DFA file to the current address database, but the appended addresses are not displayed within the address listview!
Make sure that you activated the correct group flags. It might be that the appended addresses don't have any group flags set. If this is the case, you will have to deactivate all group check boxes in the DFA-Editor main window to see these addresses.
If I access my addresses via AREXX, DFA doesn't seem to find all addresses -- sometimes it even finds no addresses at all!
Please notice that the AREXX commands access only the addresses that correspond to the current group selection! To make sure that all addresses can be reached by AREXX, you should either select all group flags in the DFA-Editor main window or use the AREXX command CHANGEGROUPS accordingly.
After I've entered a new address containing group flags that did not match the current group selection, it was nevertheless displayed in the DFA-Editor's main window listview. Isn't this behaviour a bit inconsequent?
Yes, indeed. However, for many people it would be even more confusing, if the new address which they've just entered is not displayed.
Just after I entered a new address, it was displayed in the DFA-Editor's main window corretly. After I've resized the window, however, the address has disappeared!
This problem should be seen together with the previous question. After a new address is entered, it is shown in the listview, no matter if the group selection fits or not. As soon as the window is resized, however, the listview entries are reformatted and the group selection is noticed! This causes all entries to disappear that do not match the current group selection.
Although I have set the modem preferences as it is needed, my modem does not dial any telephone numbers. The phone number of the address to dial is displayed within the dial window, but the modem does nothing that looks like dialing!
Under some circumstances your modem does not like the baud rate you set in the System Preferences (Serial). Decrease the baud rate (in the System Preferences!) until your modem dials correctly.

Thanks to...

Many people helped me to make DFA what it is today. Therefore I would like to thank...

Thanks a lot to all DFA users to be so patient while waiting for DFA V2.0 such a long time. I do really hope it is worth the time you've waited for it!


See AMIGAGUIDE documentation.



  • About
  • Address
  • Address file
  • address file format
  • address files
  • Address list
  • Address Listview
  • Address listview
  • Address of the author
  • Addresses
  • Adress of the author
  • All
  • AMIGA pattern
  • Append
  • AppIcon
  • Application Icon
  • Application icon
  • Application Icon Position
  • Application Menu
  • Application Window
  • Application--Icon
  • Arexx
  • Arexx Basics
  • Arexx commands
  • Arexx Commands
  • AREXX documentation
  • AREXX error codes
  • Arexx Port
  • AREXX port name
  • Arexx return value
  • AREXX scripts
  • Arexx Scripts
  • ASCII editor
  • ASCII Viewer
  • Author's address
  • Auto Save
  • b

  • backup
  • Bank address
  • bank transfer
  • Baud
  • Bug Reports
  • Button gadget
  • c

  • Calling
  • Cancel (Edit)
  • Cancel (Print)
  • Cancel (Search)
  • Change Templates
  • Check Box
  • CheckBirthday
  • Clear Column
  • Clear line
  • Clear mark
  • Clear sort criteria
  • CLI Parameter of the DFA-Editor program
  • CLI Parameters of the DFA-Server
  • CLI--Parameter des DFA-Preferences--Programms
  • Column
  • Commodity
  • Copy to Clipboard
  • Copyright
  • Custom Screen (DFA-Editor)
  • Custom Screen DFA-Preferences Program
  • Custom Screens
  • Cycle Gadget
  • d

  • default settings
  • Device unit
  • Dial
  • Dialing
  • Display Sort
  • Documentation for using AREXX
  • e

  • Edit
  • Edit Template
  • EMail address of the author
  • Error codes of AREXX
  • Exchange program
  • External
  • External file
  • External files
  • f

  • Features
  • Fields
  • Fields to search
  • File editor
  • file format
  • File Viewer
  • Filename
  • Find
  • find
  • First
  • Fonts
  • Format of the Address Field
  • format of the address file
  • Formfeed
  • Free
  • Full
  • g

  • Generate Icon
  • Giving a filename
  • Group handling
  • Groups
  • h

  • Hangup String
  • Hardware
  • Hayes compatible
  • Hints and Tips
  • Hires Mode
  • History
  • Hotkey
  • hotkey
  • i

  • Ignore case
  • Important addresses
  • Info
  • Information
  • Init String
  • Insert Column
  • Insert line
  • Installation
  • Installer
  • Installieren
  • interface card
  • Internal
  • k

  • keyboard usage
  • Kill
  • l

  • language
  • Last
  • Last Saved
  • Legal stuff
  • Licence
  • Lines
  • Listview
  • Listview (main window)
  • Load
  • Load Preferences
  • Load Settings
  • Locale
  • locale support
  • m

  • Mark all
  • Mark by name
  • Marking addresses
  • Memory Condition
  • Menus
  • Miscelleneous
  • Modem
  • Move down
  • Move left
  • Move right
  • Move up
  • n

  • Native languages
  • Needed Configuration
  • Network mode
  • network mode
  • Networking
  • New
  • New address file
  • New file
  • New since version 1.2x
  • Next
  • Next New
  • Next Sel.
  • None
  • o

  • Ok (Edit)
  • Ok (Full)
  • Online Help
  • Open
  • Open Preferences
  • order of the address fields
  • OwnDevUnit
  • p

  • Panel Listview
  • Paths and Filenames
  • Pattern
  • Phone
  • Port name for AREXX
  • Position of the Application Icon
  • Postprocess Script
  • Predial String
  • Preferences
  • Presets
  • Prev.
  • Prev. Sel.
  • Print
  • Print form
  • Print style
  • Print to
  • Public Screen
  • q

  • Quick Search
  • Quick Start
  • Quit
  • Quit (DFA-Editor main window)
  • Quit Preferences
  • r

  • Radio button
  • Receiving AREXX commands
  • Redial delay
  • Registration
  • Registration in Belgium
  • Registration in England
  • Registration in France
  • Registration in Germany
  • Registration in Sweden
  • Registration in the USA
  • Remove
  • Remove (DFA-Editor main window)
  • Remove DFA
  • Reset To Defaults
  • Restore
  • Retries
  • Retry delay
  • Return of address items
  • s

  • Save
  • Save as default
  • Save as...
  • Save Preferences
  • Save Preferences as
  • Save Settings as
  • Schnell-Suche
  • Search
  • search
  • Search criteria
  • search criteria
  • Search for
  • Search Next
  • Secret Mode
  • Select device
  • Select Groups
  • Selection
  • Selection of Addresses
  • Selection: All
  • Selection: By name
  • Selection: Clear
  • Selection: Jump to
  • Serial device
  • serial interface
  • Serial number
  • Serielles Ger�t
  • Set and Unset Groups
  • Set Groups
  • shared access
  • shortcut
  • Show Application Icon
  • Software
  • Sort
  • Sorting
  • Sorting of the Address Display
  • String Gadget
  • Suff. Dial String
  • Syntax
  • t

  • Template address
  • Template script
  • Templates
  • Text Gadget
  • Text Viewer
  • Thanks to...
  • The CheckBirthday Program
  • The concept of DFA
  • The DFA-Editor program
  • The DFA-Preferences Main Window
  • The DFA-Preferences Program
  • The DFA-Server program
  • The Main Window
  • The Menu Items of the DFA-Editor
  • Title
  • Tool Gadgets
  • Tool Types of the DFA-Preferences programms
  • Tooltypes
  • Tooltypes for the DFA-Editor
  • u

  • Unset Groups
  • Updates
  • Usage of DFA
  • Use
  • Use Postprocess Script
  • Use Preferences
  • Use Template Script
  • Use Wildcards
  • Used
  • v

  • version number
  • Version number
  • Visible lines
  • w

  • Warranty
  • Weight
  • Write Access